Saturday, November 24, 2007

Loy-Kra-Thong day

On Friday, I woke up at 9.00 a.m. for take a bath and go to ABAC for study Sciman. Today, I went to ABAC with my sister by car because my class and her class were started at the same time. Today, I didn’t understand the lesson so, I decided to go to register Sciman course for tomorrow. I thought study with the tutor made me understand because the tutor will teach me in Thai language. Midterm exam is coming soon, so I had to prepare myself for exam first. After my Sciman class finished, my friend and I went to have lunch at Mc Donald. We went to my friend’s house for doing the midterm project. It was about energy conservation campaign. Then my friend took me home. After got home, I changed my dress for going to ABAC because it had a beautiful contest at ABAC. My friends and I wanted to see all beautiful girls from every faculty. After that we went to eat dinner at BKK Grilled around ABAC then we went to play game at Game cafĂ©. After got home again, I took a shower and prepared to read an outside reading book because I had the quiz on this Monday that cover for 10 chapters, so I tried to read 4 chapters first, but I felt very sleepy while I was reading chapter 3. Then I decided to go to bed. But before going to bed, I remembered that I didn’t feed the fishes yet, so I gave some food to the fishes. On Saturday, I got up at 8.00 a.m. and took a shower because t had to go to register for Sciman class with tutor at Excellent Center. It was about 1000 baht that include a free short course for final exam. Then I went to eat breakfast. I started my first Sciman class with tutor at 9.30 and finished at 11.30 and then my sister called me to go to Central Lad-Prao with her to eat Sha-bushi and shopping. My sister wanted to buy the new I-pod. Today it was really crowed at Central Lad-Prao because it was a Loy-Kra-Thong day. At the evening my sister and I wanted to go to Loy-Kra-Thong festival at Chula University. We would like to buy kra-thong which made from the bread because it could help the world to safe the environment and it was good for the fishes because they could eat the bread after it sank. After floating kra-thong, we went to eat noodle at the Mall for dinner. We also watched the Thai movie “Love of Siam square”. It was a love story and I thought it was a good Thai romantic movie. After we went back home, I continued to read an outside reading “A Time to Kill” chapter 4 to chapter 7. I felt very sleepy and the way that made me awake was to take a shower. I felt fresh after showering. Then my sister and I were played game that my sister just bought it. About 12.15a.m., I watched the football match between Darby and Chelsea. Lastly, I didn’t know who won because I fell asleep again.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Next time do check grammar and spelling in Word. And please try to make it more interesting by added pictures, movies etcetera to make it more interesting.